
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about Homestay.


Do you have a guide book?

The BC Ministry of Education has released a great guidebook for everyone to use.

This provides the basic guidelines for homestay. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us!

BC Ministry of Education Guidelines

What is a Homestay

Taken from the oxford dictionary

A holiday or other period abroad spent staying in the home of a local family.

Who needs to submit a Criminal Record Check?

All adults living in the residence will require to submit a criminal record check. The validity of criminal records checks for us is 5 years. We also have a special program that requires a validity of 3 years.


Criminal Record Check Equivalents

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.

Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.

Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.

Before Applying

I live in apartment. Can we host students?

Our partners in Japan have some specific requests and requirements, and unfortnuately, condominiums, low rise condos and apartments are not eligible 


We host for XYZ Homestay Company...

Each and every homestay company or agency has different rules and regulations. We cater to the requirements of our partnered agencies in Japan, which have very strict rules comparing to others. 

Please do not be discouraged from hosting, you can try many of the ESL schools that have less requirements.

Hosting a Student

I have submitted an application, when can I start receiving a student ?

First, you will be required to have a homestay interview. One of our interviewers will contact you, if you passed the preliminary screening from your submitted application. Once the interview process has been completed and passed, you will be added to the database of qualified hosts. We will contact you as soon as we find a student that would be fit for your family.